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Be visible and valuable
In fact, back in 2018, she explained social selling as,
The mindset of being where your buyers are, being visible to them, and being valuable to them.
That’s nearbound surround.
Identifying your customers’ watering holes.
Becoming a known and trusted voice in those watering holes by being visible and valuable to them.
Partnering with those they already know and trust to build even more trust.
Rooted in the customer, this approach to selling emphasizes what Jill and Sam Mckenna call “Show Me You Know Me,” a better way to build trust with your prospects.
Keep reading to learn what Show Me You Know Me looks like executed well.
How to do better customer and partner research with Show Me You Know Me
First impressions are invaluable. The Show Me You Know Me method is how you make the most of every first impression.
Sam McKenna
(Founder at #samsales Consulting) shared her top outreach secrets in a Masterclass on the
Apollo.io Academy.
Here are two fundamentals to understand before you begin your research:
Remember that people want to be seen as people.
Look for who they are as an employee.
Look for who they are as a person.Understanding prospects requires that you understand them as a human, their company, and their space/industry.
How to research the person:
To understand them on a personal level, look for information like:
Common connections
Social media headlines
Social media about section
Hobbies or interests (only focus on what you can find to authentically connect with them)
To understand them on a professional level, look for information like:
Current job
Length of time there
Previous employees
Career path
How to research the company:
To understand their company, look for information like:
Website information
Additional resources
Press releases
Charitable activities
Executive activity
How to research the space:
To understand their space/industry, look for information like:
Communities they’re a part of
Thought leaders they follow
Key podcasts or newsletters in the space
That’s the level of research few people are doing enough of.
Jill Rowley shared an example of how she practiced Show Me You Know Me back in 2018.
I was selling marketing technology so I went directly to the company’s CMO. I found him on LinkedIn. I read everything. I learned that he had some strong points of view and I figured he probably talked about it in other places. I searched the web and found he spoke on a few podcasts
I understood the space and why his strong beliefs were important so I used his words to connect with him.
Show Me You Know Me can (and should) be leveraged in partnerships, too.
Here are three ways:
To build stronger partnerships—instead of going into partner conversations blind, come in with an initial JVP derived from research on this company and the people you’re talking with.
To close more deals—One of the 3 I’s plays — intel — is about gathering information that wouldn’t be available anywhere else. This is critical for effective research.
To get internal buy-in—When pitching a nearbound overlay, don’t fly blind. Understand what the leaders and ICs in your company believe. Then tailor the nearbound pitch to them.
Check out Sam McKenna’s full masterclass.

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An AE can tell you better than us...
Sellers are feeling the pressure of unsuccessful outbound tactics.
We say it often, but if you ever didn’t believe us, hear it directly from a seller.
Your sellers are looking for solutions. Partner pro, it’s up to you to approach them correctly and drive results. If you do that, they’ll become some of your biggest nearbound fans.
Read the full post and comments.
Stuff you don’t want to miss!
TODAY—May 1st—Tracking Success In Cloud Marketplaces—Join Jay McBain
(Chief Analyst of Channels, Partnerships, and Ecosystems at Canalys)
and Sam Yarborough
(Chief Growth Officer, Salesforce at Invisory)
to discuss how you should be thinking about marketplaces. Register here.TOMORROW—May 2nd—The Era of Ecosystem Orchestration is (Nearly) Here—Join 360 Insights and their close partners to unveil their new ecosystem project that stands to redefine their marketplace forever.
Register here.May 7th—MartechDay 2024—Join
Scott Brinker
(VP Platform Ecosystems at HubSpot) and
Frans Riemersma
(Founder, MartechTribe) to release the latest Marketing Technology Landscape graphic. It’s a celebration of the thousands of talented people working in martech, at brands, vendors, and across the community. Scott and Frans will also be interviewing key leaders for their deep domain-specific knowledge.
Register here.Nearbound Summit 2023 Recordings—The future of GTM is Nearbound. Watch the recordings to hear how B2B leaders across departments unite with Nearbound strategies and tactics.
Listen here.
You’re all caught up.
Rhythm of Business
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The Stats You Need to Know
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Sees a 190% Surge
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Natasha Walstra
on Increasing
Luck Surface Area
in BusinessNearbound Podcast #161: 3 Things You Need to Know: Attribution Crisis, Early Majority, and the
Consolidation of Tech with AIMastering the
Nearbound Rhythm
of the Business: Key Takeaways from the Nearbound Book
by Andrea VallejoA Deep Dive
Into the Nearbound Book, with
Mike Midgley
Part 2
See you tomorrow

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